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MylaiTamil font for Macintosh and Windows PCs (3.1,95 and NT)
Adhawin,Mylai-Sri tamil fonts/softwares
Murasu tamil fontand Anjal- Tamil News reader
Web Interface to ITRANS package
TamilFonts of InProS-commercial
Tamilfonts -truetype-commercial
Tamilsoftware R& D (S. Manoharan, UK)
TamilSoftware Digest (from Comcore)
TamilSoftware from Ammaan Computer Informatik
KeyWord Search of Tamil Literature (IITS, Univ. of Cologne, Germany)
Tamil Literature Page (from Tennessee Tamil Server)
20th Century Tamil Literature (Dr. Geetha Ramaswami, Bangalore,India)
Pioneer WWWTamil Web/Archive (National Univ. Singapore, Singapore)
Memory Asia -Project to preserve palm-leaf manuscripts (IAS,Chennai)
Raja Muthiah Tamil Library, Madras(Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, USA)
Etexts of Thirumarais(Thirumanthiram on line)
ThirukuRaL -english translation
Mylai Web Forum(Web sites tamil literature)